Thursday 26 April 2012



South Korean currency is known as Won (₩), KRW

Exchange Rate

1 South Korean won = 0.000849874735 Australian dollars

Availability of banks/ATM's

Cards with Cirrus or Plus logos are the easiest and most widely accpected in South Korea. Places in South Korea even accpected  international cards like China Union Pay, Maestro, Electron and JCB cards.
CD's, Cash  Dispensers can be found in subways, convenience stores, railway stations, bus terminals, and department stores. CD's offer cash withdrawal services, are open 24 hours a day and dispense cash in 10,000 won units. Most machines display English directions on the monitor, and others also have Japanese and Chinese.

Banks Offering Cash Service in Korea / Credit Card

If you have any questions while using ATM/CD machines, call the Korea Travel Phone at 1330.

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